Pride Month with Cafe Euphoria

We spoke to Cafe Euphoria owner, Atsushi Akera, about what makes her business an integral part of the Downtown Troy community, the LGBTQIA+ community, and how they are creating an alternative economic system that goes against the traditional ways of doing things. There is so much happening in this space at 225 River St. you must engage yourself to experience all of the positivity and knowledge being extended from all the employees and their customers. Celebrate PRIDE MONTH by supporting Cafe Euphoria and all the LGBTQIA+ owned businesses in Downtown Troy!

Photo Credit: Melissa Ann Argay

Why is Pride Month important to you?

The pride festival goes back to Stonewall. Originally it was the protest against police violence and harassment of members of our community. Transgendered individuals were a part of that incident, even though people understand it as an attack on the gay community. Our region has the oldest operating pride center in the country, the Pride Center of the Capital Region was created right after Stonewall occurred, so this celebration has deep meaning for the people in our area. I can elaborate in a really important way because given what’s happening politically at the national level, the things that the gay and lesbian community have already accomplished have become a point of major concern. In addition the transgendered community has been made a political target. Our community is under a threat that has created a renewed sense of sense of urgency for focusing on our accomplishments and building solidarity in the LGBTQIA+ community. We need to work with each other, support one another, and understand each other’s challenges.

What can the Troy community do to support the LGBTQIA+ movement during Pride Month?

Mayor Madden has been a great support for LGBTQIA+ rights locally. You know, it’s not just our community who we are asking for support from, we need to see it from our legislature as well. We’re very fortunate in Rensselaer County that we are receiving unanimous support from all sides. Both Democrats and Republicans have banded together to support our rights. The Cafe Euphoria community has been tremendously supported by locals, other businesses, and the Downtown Troy BID. I want everyone to understand though, that we aren’t just a community space, we are first and foremost a cafe. It’s a spot where everybody is welcome! We’re located right in Monument Square for a purpose, Trans Visibility saves lives. We need people to understand who transgendered individuals are instead of being made out to be monsters by the Conservatives, we can instead be serving the community in a place made for everyone to feel comfortable and enjoy their time spent at the cafe!

Why did you choose to open a business in Downtown Troy?

It was very important that we picked a location that was highly central and highly visible for the Trans Visibility Project. We figured we’re only a block away from Monument Square, right next to where Troy City Hall used to be - what could be a better location? Once the new construction happens on 1 Monument Square happens, we’ll be even more central. But we’re still very happy to be on lower River St. and part of the Downtown Troy community.

What kind of place do you offer for the LGBTQIA+ community

For the community, we are a general restaurant serving everyone Troy. For the LGBTQIA+ community our key meeting times are Thursday’s and Friday’s for dinner service and Saturday nights at well. That’s where we try to bring together different segments of our diverse community together. We have the Non-Binary Support Group, Young Adult Social Group, Metal Health Empowerment Project (peer based support). And then we also have Open Mic, poetry or spoken words, or poetry slam, as well as our music centered open mic which happens on Troy Night Out. Those create occasions for specific parts of our community but also our community at large to come together. I should also add to that we try to work parallel with the Pride Center and In Our Own Voices in order to make sure that diversity in all of its different dimensions is represented through our cafe.

Do you think your business has positively impacted the Downtown area?

We hope to contribute to the revival of lower River Street. This area used to be very frequented and a popular place to visit but that suffered in the economic downturn in 2008. Now there are a bunch a businesses that I think are right on the cusp of drawing enough attention that more people see this as yet another block thats critical to the Downtown Revival. It’s taking a little more of a push to get us there but with so many new businesses opening that will make this a really exciting place. My favorite part of owning my business is getting to meet new people and create relationships! It’s a lot of work, often I am putting in 80-100 hours a week, but it’s all worth it.

The Most Critical Thing About Cafe Euphoria

We offer a 3-1 sliding scale. Anybody who makes a full income we ask they pay full price, for everybody else, you don’t have to be a member of our community to receive a 33% discount. And then we also have a solidarity price that is intended for the transgendered community who receive a 66% discount. Many of them face workplace discrimination, or may have lost their jobs, but we want to make it so that they still can come here. It’s all self - declared no explanation necessary, we don’t ask for any documentation. Just tell us which bracket you want to be in and that’s all there is to it. We’re also working - owned cooperative so everyone makes the same wage. “The main thing is that we were driven more by the social mission than by the idea of a worker-owned cooperative. So it was ‘We’re creating a safe space for the trans and the gender-nonconforming community,’” Akera explains. “And then we said, ‘And we are a cooperative, so everybody gets paid the same.’” Cited from the Yes Magazine, The Cafe That’s Upending Capitalism.

Troy in Bloom with Flowers by Pesha

Experience Troy in Bloom this month Downtown! Local florist, Pesha King spent her entire childhood at her parent’s flower shop located in Troy and has since continued the legacy at 501 Broadway. Understanding the language of flowers is a talent only well - seasoned professionals are capable of, and it obvious Pesha is truly gifted. With almost 18 years under her belt, we can say for certain Flowers by Pesha has built a successful blooming business in the heart of Downtown Troy, read more to learn how.

Why did you choose to open a business in Downtown Troy?

I’ve always had a business in Troy, I started on the East Side but saw Downtown was busier so I decided to move it here. My parents had a business in Troy too so I had the experience of seeing them own a store here. I was born and bred in this city, my family lives here, I pay my taxes here and shop here, it’s home for me. Most importantly I enjoy being involved in the community, meeting people, engaging with customers, and creating & nurturing relationships that are built on something so beautiful. I’d like to be open more hours at this time, but really I am a destination shop and often at an event during the weekend. I will note that I do come into the store on Sundays from time to time so when I am here, the doors are always open. Feel free to stop by!

Why did you choose to open a flower shop?

I grew up doing this. I was always with my parents working in their store, and when they passed I started working at Price Chopper just for fun. But, I couldn’t avoid being recognized for my family’s work. People kept calling me and coming to my house for event arrangements so my husband suggested we open a storefront. I never stopped the wedding or event side of things, it’s a gift that I have and couldn’t resist doing in all of my free time. I’d say I am really good at what I do and I love it!

What services do you offer?

So many! Every day walk - ins, cash and carry, christenings, parties, graduations, weddings, holidays, and sympathies. Everyone is different, so packages and offerings vary based on the customers needs. Appointments are usually necessary in order to decide on what their needs are.

Do you think your business has positively impacted the Downtown area?

I am going to say yes, because when someone comes to pick up from the store I will make suggestions on other places to eat or shop! We refer people to so many of the other great places around and that will help the local economy here.

What’s your favorite part of having a flower shop?

I get to know our customer really well. We share all of our stories with one another. Depending on the occasion we’ll talk about kids, engagements, even sharing sentimental stories for a sympathy arrangement. And then they come back!

Mother’s Day is almost here, do you have any specials for moms?

I’ll have the store full of indoor flowers and plants, I have an online store too: I offer balloons, chocolates, candles, and candies. If you’re looking for something different I’ll recommend another store so they can add to their special gift from another local business!

Earth Month with Matt's Refillery

April is Earth month, an important time of the year where our attention is focused on how human actions can sustainably and ethically impact the environment and our community locally. Matt’s Refillery located at 199 River St. in Troy NY represents a choice that people can support in making an effort towards! In an interview with owner, Matt Converse, he explains why he’s in the business of reusing and decreasing the carbon footprint of Downtown Troy. Read on to learn more about the who, what, and why behind the eco-conscious Refillery on River St. & then visit the store to refill your unused containers!

Why did you choose to open a business in Downtown Troy?

I opened my business Last Spring. I’ve lived in the community for 5 years and I just like the feel of Downtown Troy. My family and I used to shop at a Co-Op in Albany, and it got me thinking what kind of positive service can I offer in Troy? Well, I’ve got common sense about sustainable living and I am very interested in the lifestyle. I honestly had zero vision for this store, It just came together by itself. Now, that’s not for everyone, but it worked for us. I truly feel like there is a strong market for this here, there’s a lot of people who support the idea, and then there’s a lot of people who don’t know they support the idea until they come into the store! It’s been a great experience so far.

Why is sustainability important to you?

It’s about having options. I educate others by offering them choices, personally, it’s about taking action and showing my kids other opportunities and ways to live. Live by example is something I strongly value. The goal of the store is to minimize single use plastics here, and we will show you many ways to do that. If you’re not sure about refilling or repurposing I am always here to answer your questions and to help to guide you along your sustainable journey!

Tell us a specific challenge you’ve faced owning a business in this industry:

Creating value and attracting more people to see that value of our goods and services has been the biggest challenge. Those who want to make any modifications in their lifestyle are more likely to check us out, but I don’t want give the impression I am sustainable 100% of the time. It’s difficult to live that way in our normal day to day routines in 2023. For instance, at home we use paper towels to clean up messes that a reusable paper towel just could not take care of. I don’t think people have to be all in or all out, there can be a happy medium where you make certain conscious choices to change things that work are convenient for you AND the planet. Being eco-conscious does not need to be a complete 180 degrees in lifestyle, but any step you are willing to take will impact the environment around you. I tell customers a great place to start is refilling dish soap. If that works for you, gradually you can move onto the next thing. Once people experience the Refillery and find something that works for them, they keep coming back!

Do you think your business has positively impacted Downtown?

We believe we give people the access to healthier and cleaner product that is made of environmentally friendly ingredients and zero waste packaging. We also enjoy giving back to the community and supporting local artisans by bringing in small vendor goods into our shop. We host a variety of different workshops such as candle making events as well as the stitching exchange, and look forward to adding many more to our list. Forward - thinking me would like to add pop ups and collaborations with other small businesses that will help to spread knowledge about our business around the Capital Region!

March with Counties Of Ireland

March is the time to celebrate Irish Heritage, and not surprisingly, Downtown Troy has a lot of it. So, it’s only fitting that we highlight our local and most Irish store, Counties of Ireland. This retail store is one of the longest standing (23 years!) in the Downtown area and carries the largest variety of Irish - made goods in the Capital Region straight from the Éire itself!

Traditional Celtic music and Irish rose scent fill the store while owner Robin McDonough graciously allows me to interview her for our very first Downtown Troy blog post.

Read on to learn about Robin, her store, and why she loves Downtown Troy, New York.

When and Why did you open a business in Downtown Troy?

I loved Troy from the minute I walked through it. I am not from Troy originally so I won’t ever know what it’s like to be a true Trojan, all of my friends are from Troy and they remind me of that often. But, I was drawn to the the architecture and the walkability of the city. 23 years ago there were very few businesses in the area as well. I began my business because I saw the potential of how great the area would become and I fell in love with it. My dad always said it takes one neighbor to spread the fire, you know, one person to sweep the block, one person to plant flowers and then it catches on. I’ve felt and seen that energy, sometimes ebb and flow, but I think we have made a ton of progress in the time my store has been here.

What is your favorite part of having a retail business?

My customers. I’ve had some of the same customers for 23 years since the day I opened, they’ve watched my daughter grow up. I’ve watched kids grow up. I’ve done first communions, confirmations, wedding bands for the same kids.. It makes me feel old! Then we also get new customers every day, they say oh I just found you, or I googled you. So… What makes this place special is the customers, always. I like what I do, I come into work and am passionate about what’s in my store.

What makes Counties of Ireland in Troy special?

That’s a hard question. I didn’t start in this building, I was near Monument Square to start. Mr Cooper (who owned Cooper Shoes prior to Counties of Ireland’s move into the space) used to come into my store to critique my windows and my paper ads. He was in business forever here, he would say “look at my building” and I would tell him, “I am not looking at your building”. It was boarded up and there weren’t any other businesses over this way, just the shoe repair place and a boarded up Jack in the Box where the current Dunkin’ Donuts is. After taking a vacation, my parents picked me up from the airport and from there they drove me straight here. I insisted that I wouldn’t look at this building. Well.. they flipped the lights on and instantly I said - ok, I’m home. It just felt right. That’s what this place is. Home.

Anything new for Counties of Ireland you want to share with us for this year?

This year we are adding new lines to the collection. I am always looking to source new additions for the store to keep it fresh and exciting. And yes, I sell sweaters all year long! We’ll be offering new color ways and new styles, so keep your eye out for those.

What are your favorite things to do Downtown?

My family and I love going to the Farmers Market and the Veg Out. I have two stores, the other is in Lake George and my time is split between here, there, and my daughter. We don’t do a whole lot of fun things around town, but we do enjoy them when we can.

Shop Counties of Ireland at 77 3rd St, Troy, NY 12180, open Tuesday - Saturday from 10AM to 6PM.