Alcohol at BID Events
There will be absolutely NO alcoholic beverages, coolers, backpacks, bags, containers, packages, thermoses, cups, bottles, cans, flasks, glass containers of any kind; animals or pets* allowed at the event; Security personnel reserve the right to inspect any bag, container or package and confiscate any prohibited or illegal items. (*Excludes ADA-defined service animals. Ground rules are subject to change without notice; Exceptions made for medical or child care reasons may be addressed individually.)
All attendees should be prepared to present age identification at any time and wear BID-provided identifying bracelet at all times within event grounds if they intend to consume alcohol. Any attendee caught by security personnel consuming alcohol without a bracelet will be escorted out of the event area.
Application of graffiti to any public or private surface is unlawful. It is the duty of the occupant, lessee, agent and owner of any property to keep it clear of graffiti at all times. Prior to the removal or covering of any graffiti, the head of community police must be contacted to arrange for documentation for the graffiti registry. Click here.
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Illegal Dumping
Any waste material deposited at a location other than the address/location from which it was generated will be considered illegally dumped and subject to fines and penalties.
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Historic Preservation
The Planning Commission exercises aesthetic judgment to prevent construction, reconstruction, alteration or demolition that is out of step with existing buildings in order to preserve the beauty and character of the district. Changes to any exterior architectural features require a certificate of appropriateness from the Commission. Building permits will only be issued with that certificate.
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Each street light pole has a number or several numbers on it. If you notice that a street light is out or not working properly, you can report it to Department of Public Works | City of Troy (518-270-4579) or online here. The more information that you provide on the location of the light the faster the City and National Grid can address the complaint.
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Household or business garbage or rubbish must not be deposited in public litter receptacles.
No one shall deposit or sweep litter onto any street, sidewalk, gutter, or waterway.
Litter may not be thrown from a vehicle or be deposited on open or vacant property.
The owner or person in control of private property must keep the premises and associated sidewalks and gutters free of litter.
For more information, click here.
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It is the policy of the City of Troy to prevent excessive, unnecessary or unusually loud noises. These provisions and prohibitions are for the purpose of preserving the peace and quiet of Troy and its inhabitants.
Prohibited loud noises may include: Horns, noisy vehicles, (motorcycles, loud mufflers, RV's etc.) and sound reproduction, (excessively loud music) See the code here.
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Parking in the Central Business District is limited to two (2) hours from 9:00am-5:00pm and four(4) hours in the areas designated by metered pay stations. More information can be found here.
The City maintains a street cleaning schedule during which time parking is prohibited. Please check the posted signs or contact DPW (518-270-4579) for the schedule.
There are also approximately 1,000 parking spots in the City’s 7 parking garages located on Fifth Avenue & Broadway, First Street next to the YWCA, Congress Street & Fifth Avenue, Front Street behind The Arts Center, State & River Streets, and River Street next to the Green Island Bridge. Daily and monthly rates are available here.
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Posting Notices
No one may attach a notice, poster or sign to any public lamppost, public utility pole or public shade tree, or on any public building, except as authorized by law. See the code here.
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Recycling is required in the City of Troy. Mixture of recyclables with other solid waste for disposal is a violation.
Municipal single stream recycling is provided to residents of properties of 6 residential units or fewer for a fee that is billed to the owner. Commercial and other properties that generate recyclables and are ineligible for municipal recycling must contract with a city approved recycler for collection and recycling,
Municipal recycling bins can be obtained by contacting the DPW Dispatcher at 270-4579 or the Solid Waste Management Office at 279-7161.
Collection Containers must be used to recycle newspapers, cardboard, plastics, metal, and glass. The containers should be placed out for collection after 6:00 pm the night before the scheduled collection day.
In the central business district of Troy, recyclables are collected on Tuesdays.
For more information, click here.
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The owner or occupant of a building must keep the sidewalks clear from debris and in good condition. See the code here.
Free standing signs placed on the sidewalk must not impede sidewalk foot traffic and must be removed after daylight hours. See the code here.
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The City promotes the use of quality, aesthetically pleasing signs. The code is meant to protect public health and safety and to enable the public to easily identify buildings. Here are the steps to follow for displaying a new of altered sign:
Apply to the Director of Code Enforcement for a work permit. For more information, click here.
Complete a scaled site plan, a sign drawing with dimensions, and a detailed description of the sign.
Submit application along with a $100 check (application fee).
Planning Board and/or Zoning Board of Appeals approval may be necessary.
Signs must project no more than nine inches from the facade. The overhang of any sign above a public sidewalk is limited to four feet with a clearance of at least twelve feet. Click here.
Individual letters on business identification signs should be no more than nine inches high. The height limit is twenty feet.
No flashing lights are permitted. Click here.
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The owner or occupant of a building is obligated to clear snow and ice from the sidewalk and alley and salt or sand the same by 10:00am the day following snow fall. Click here.
The City has a SNOW EMERGENCY PLAN that requires alternate side parking on certain streets within the BID. Please check the City Website to determine if you are affected by the snow emergency. Click here or here.
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It is unlawful for any person to cut, mutilate, or to injure any of the shade or ornamental trees standing in any public street. In light of the BID tree planting initiative, we are recommending that you take an interest in our new trees and make sure their needs are being met. See the code here.
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Waste Services
Bulk Refuse Collection
Call (518) 270-4579 for collection of large household furnishings, appliances, toys, tires, clothes, owner generated construction & demolition material, etc. Collection Fees are assessed based on the volume of material to be collected. Refrigerators/freezers must have their doors removed.
Garbage and Rubbish Collection
Solid waste for disposal should be secured in heavy duty plastic bags that are tied at the top and placed in water tight containers for collection. Containers must be in good condition and cannot exceed 20 gallons in capacity nor 50 pounds. They are required to be labeled with the owner’s name or address.
The business district collection occurs on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the alleys and Tuesday and Thursday on the street. If the collection day is a city holiday, collection occurs the following day instead.
Containers should be placed at the curb adjacent to the property or in the alley at the rear of the premises. They should be put out for collection no earlier than 10 hours before the scheduled collection time. It’s the responsibility of the owner or occupant to remove the containers from the curb or alley after they are emptied. Accumulation of solid waste for more than seven days is prohibited.
Click here for further information.
Household Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste cannot be thrown away in the garbage and rubbish collection or poured down the sewer. Troy usually schedules a yearly hazardous waste disposal day for city residents.
Contact the DPW Dispatcher (518) 270-4579 for additional information, regulations and to schedule city waste collection.
For other programs, such as hazardous waste collection, electronics recycling, and disposal of fluorescent bulbs and household batteries, contact the City Solid Waste Management Office at 279-7161.
Yard Waste collection
Residents should call (518) 270-4579 for collection of yard waste. Residents are encouraged to use paper biodegradable yard waste bags when placing grass clippings, leaves, brush and small limbs out for collection. Tree and hedge trimmings should be tied in secure bundles no more than five in length, 18 inches in diameter, and 75 pounds in weight.
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Property owners are responsible for the removal of weeds growing on their land to a height of more than six inches. Click here.