GAVANT SOFTWARE :: 216 RIVER STREET :: 518-273-2880
Community, community, community – you continually hear this word from many Downtown Troy business owners, residents and visitors. But when you think of the tech industry, the idea of community probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. It is an industry searching to create the newest and best, with many well-known and rivaling companies that you hear on the news. But in reality, for the tech industry in Downtown Troy, in order for companies to move forward and continue developing new systems, community and collaboration is a huge asset because things move so fast. It is actually hard to have expertise in more than one thing. When you implement sharing and developing, it improves all companies over all because they want to work with good talent while collaborating.
Over the past 16 years, Gavant Software has organically cultivated their role within the tech industry in Downtown Troy and within the Capital Region. Owner Jon Kloptosky, summed up his company mission and role, strategically following the ideas mentioned above. Gavant specializes in high-level software development, transforms and advances digital systems and builds prototypes. Their projects work with diverse industries – from entertainment media and manufacturing to logistics. Projects are customized to businesses specific needs. Clients have included Excelsior College’s online assessment tests and Getty Images music catalog.
Kloptosky graduated from RPI in 2001 and subsequently created Gavant with one other employee. At the time, the city was in a rough state. But he was drawn to the rich history and steadfastly stayed, watching the area transform with bars, restaurants and stores to create an amazing culture for the city of Troy. Gavant has been a tenant in the Rice Building on River Street throughout but has relocated to a few different floors within the building, currently settling in on the 5th Floor.
Gavant grew from a 2-person organization to the 16-person operation that it is now. Kloptosky strongly encourages internships in the tech field, highlighting their recent intern returning this year. He feels that it is important to understand a wider picture of how applications can be used across different industries and to learn the elements that make up the field to find your niche in it. The best way to do that is with on-site, day-to-day involvement. As for Gavant’s future, the company is excited about growth and innovation within the Capital Region and their role in helping businesses achieve those goals.
©Downtown Troy BID 2018